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Catten Staff


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WBL Start Packs (17th Sep 09 at 1:17pm UTC)
Page 4 of the WBL Start Pack
Hey everyone,

I noticed that in the WBL Start Pack on page 4 there is an update to be made which Hippy and I will take care of, the sentence that says "I am receiving a minimum of £80 per week" needs to be changed to £95 as it rose at the begining of August.

Hippy and I will change it on our computers but I just need to make you aware of this so when you are signing a learner up, you can cross the £80 out and replace it with it with the £95.

Thank you {Smile}
Catten Staff


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Re: WBL Start Packs (17th Sep 09 at 1:45pm UTC)
Hello again

The changes of £80 to £95 on page 4 also apply to pages 7 and 8



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Re: WBL Start Packs (1st Oct 09 at 2:53pm UTC)
I made some changes to this pack, mainly coz the 'elf and safety stuff needed tweaking. While I was at it (oo-er Matron!) I changed the £80.00 bit to £95.00, but I seem to remember it being fairly late on in the pack. Perhaps you'd like to re-check it for me (as I she-mailed it to you).

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